Join us for Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday, September 7 at 9:15 am at Friends Meeting of Washington (2111 Decatur Pl NW). Kids programming will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Kiddush is sponsored by Sandra Marks and Adam Fagen in memory of Sandra's mother, Chaya Marks, a big fan of DC Minyan, on her first yahrtzeit.
Join us for Friday night davening on Friday, September 13 at 7:00 pm at The Chastleton (1701 16th St NW).
High Holidays 5785 at DC Minyan
DC Minyan will be meeting for Rosh Hashana (10/3 and 10/4) and Yom Kippur (10/11 and 10/12) at Friends Meeting of Washington (2111 Decatur Pl NW). An email with specific details on times will be sent to those registered ahead of the holiday.
Tickets are now available for members and their guests only. Registration for associate members and non-members will open on September 9. Please register soon as we expect some services to sell out. Please also remember to sign up to volunteer and help make sure the days run smoothly. Note that ticket prices for guests, associate members, and non-members will increase on September 15. If you have any questions, please email info@dcminyan.org.
Putting on the full set of chagim services requires not just daveners and leyners, but volunteers to assist with logistics, set up spaces, greet guests, organize food, and help with programming. Help make sure our community High Holiday services run smoothly by signing up for volunteer slots on this spreadsheet. Thank you for being a supporter of our holiday programming!
Get your arba minim through DC Minyan! Order here by Tuesday, October 1.
- A set with a standard etrog costs $28 for members and $33 for non-members.
- A set with a deluxe etrog costs $33 for members and $38 for non-members.
Pickup will be on October 15–17. For any questions, please email Ayelet Weiss at lulav@dcminyan.org.
Membership Drive 5785
DC Minyan's 5785 Membership Drive is underway! We have a jam-packed year planned and we need your help to make it happen. If you or someone you know is interested in joining DC Minyan or have questions about your membership, please visit our membership page or contact Rachel Lipman and Ronit Kempler at membership@dcminyan.org for more information. We look forward to building and strengthening our community!
To become a member, please complete this form. New members will be able to register for High Holiday tickets as soon as their membership is processed.
If you are already a member, you can pay your dues by logging in to your Shulcloud account at dcminyan.org/member and paying your account balance. Please take a moment to make sure information in your account is up to date.
Introducing the DC Minyan Buddy System, because shul is more fun with a friend!
This initiative pairs long-time members with newcomers to help them feel welcome, oriented, and connected. To join the welcome wagon for new community members, please fill out this short interest form.
Upcoming events and programs
Join us for a DC Minyan Happy Hour on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00 pm at The Admiral (1 Dupont Circle NW). Happy hour is open to all current members, new members, and prospective members.
Rav Yitzchak Hutner’s Kuntrus HaHesed & DC Minyan Social Action Fundraiser - 9/11, 9/18, & 9/25, 7:00-8:15 pm
Rav Hutner’s series of essays based around the Jewish calendar, the Pachad Yitzchak, combines logical “Brisker” tradition and mystical Hassidic tradition with a confronting of modernity in gorgeous language. Join Rabbi Atara Cohen in learning highlights of “Kuntrus HaHesed,” the first essays in his Rosh Hashana collection, which explores the many connections between human and divine kindness. We will also raise money for DC Minyan’s Social Action Committee work!
The first session will give some background on the Pachad Yitzchak but otherwise each session can stand alone. We will be working with the original Hebrew but all sources will be translated.
Register here for one or all classes. $18 per session suggested donation to DC Minyan Social Action fund.
“Hadari Bi!” (I Reverse Myself!): A Teshuvah Beit Midrash - 9/19
The Talmud is replete with stories of the rabbis changing their positions. We’ll examine what we can learn from the rabbis’ quickness to admit fault and willingness to change course, through both hevruta (paired learned) and group discussion. This event on Thursday, September 19 (8:00–9:30 pm) at the Edlavitch DCJCC (1529 16th St NW) is presented by Hadar and co-sponsored by DC Minyan. More info and registration here.
DC Minyan’s Annual Community Meeting will be on Sunday, September 22 from 7:00–8:30 pm at Friends Meeting of Washington (2111 Decatur Pl NW).
This is a great opportunity to hear about the State of the Minyan, learn about our plans for the coming year, and offer feedback. Stay tuned for more info about in-person and virtual attendance.
You are encouraged to submit questions or topics you would like to see covered at the meeting by emailing your question or comment to info@dcminyan.org with the subject “Community Meeting Question Submission.” We welcome your early engagement and hope to incorporate responses live.
Mazal tov to newer community members Chelsea Haughn, Joseph Rozenshtein, and Charlotte Rozenshtein on the birth of their daughter and sister Elizabeth Sarah Rozenshtein on Friday. You can sign up to provide a meal for the family.
We would like to welcome the following new members who have joined our community in the last month: Robert Gardner, Barbara Straus, Jory Harris-Blumenthal, Bruce Weinstock, and Deborah Hirsch.
Get Involved
DC Minyan runs because of the ongoing support of community volunteers. Email Sarah Koralnik at volunteer@dcminyan.org to get plugged in!
In addition, we are looking to fill the following positions:
We are looking for Simchat Torah leaders! If you love singing and dancing, then you are a perfect fit. Your role will be to craft the list of songs for Hakafot and lead the community in our ruach-filled Torah celebration! Don’t worry—there is plenty of institutional support to help new leaders step up. Email programming@dcminyan.org to express interest.
Our current kiddush co-chair, Benjy Braun, is ending his term after Simchat Torah. Responsibilities include ordering food for kiddush on both Shabbat and holidays—and overseeing set-up and clean-up volunteers. For more information on kiddush co-chair responsibilities, please contact Naomi Hernandez at kiddush@dcminyan.org. If you are interested in taking over this role, please email programming@dcminyan.org.
Planning has begun for our 2025 Shabbaton, and we are in search of our 2025 co-chairs! The Shabbaton will likely be in February or May, and co-chairs will begin the planning process 4–5 months before the weekend. They will be responsible for overseeing the entire weekend, including logistics, programming, finances, and recruitment, with the support of a full committee. Reach out to last year’s chair Zach Epstein (community@dcminyan.org) with any questions about the position. Email shabbaton@dcminyan.org if you are interested in becoming a co-chair.
Volunteer Spotlight
Welcome back to a new corner of the DC Minyan Announcements! Over the next few weeks, we’ll use this space to elevate the important behind-the-scenes work that keeps DC Minyan thriving, and the wonderful community members who make that happen.
Davener/leyner, 2023 High Holidays co-chair, Shavuot shiur teacher, 2024 Shabbaton planner, honor cards distributor, frequent schlepper
Member since 2021
Q: Ben! What are you up to in DC? What fills your time?
A: Most of my time is filled by my job at a history nonprofit, where I work on its public programming and educational materials, and grad school, where I am pursuing a Master’s in public history*. [Otherwise], I’m often walking or biking around the District, reading one of the dozen or so daily newsletters I receive, or baking.
*Editor’s note: Ask Ben what this is at kiddush!
Q: Tell us about your experience getting involved with DC Minyan.
A: I moved to DC in August 2021. I knew I wanted to find a traditional egalitarian Jewish community, so when I found two roommates [Cooper Boyar and Eytan Deener-Agus] who were looking for the same thing, we came to the conclusion that DC Minyan was the obvious choice. It was so great finding a community with so many other young people looking to be in Jewish community together, and it helped to go through the process with my roommates.
Q: Your specialty has become volunteering in ad-hoc capacities as needs arise throughout the Minyan. How do you identify what needs to be done, and how do you get plugged in?
A: I looked for the people who were already volunteering and paid attention to all the ways they were helping, especially in informal capacities. I started out by cleaning up chairs and benches after services, but over time I volunteered for things that took a little more advance planning, whether it was schlepping stuff in my car or planning programs. It helped to find a niche of things I learned how to do and could come back to frequently, but it also helps to live with a board member who will tell me about tasks that arise while we’re making dinner.
Sat, September 7 2024
4 Elul 5784
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shoftim
Shabbat, Sep 7 |
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Sep 7, 7:10pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Sep 7, 8:10pm |
Subscribe to our Email List
Sign up for our weekly email with upcoming events and Shabbat davening times.
Mitzvah List
The Mitzvah Volunteer List is there when community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event. To join the team, or to let them know that you or a friend needs help, email mitzvah@dcminyan.org.
Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email gabbai@dcminyan.org.
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Buy Wine; Support DC Minyan
If you shop at kosherwine.com (or judaica.com), use our affiliate link or select DC Minyan from the list of charities in their Give Back Program, and 5% of your order will be donated to DC Minyan.