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2024 Judaics Coop Registration

  • The DC Minyan's Judaics Coop will facilitate the development of cohorts of children who form community and receive high quality, engaging, individualized Jewish education. 
  • Participating students will be placed into cohorts of 3-4 and paired with a tutor. Families commit to participating in the co-op for the full school year ending June 2025. Cohorts commit to 40 hours of learning. Families commit to having students participate in at least 80% of their cohort sessions.  The cost of the program will be $1,150 for each DC Minyan member student and $1,300 for non-member students.  Cohorts wishing to increase the number of Coop hours beyond the minimum expectation will coordinate to determine the cost of increased hours with the Coop coordinator. 
  • The program will focus on teaching participants content related to tefilla, chumash, and chaggim.  DC Minyan will provide learning objectives to each teacher on those subjects.  Tutoring will conducted by Zoom, with in person cohort gatherings organized by cohort families during the year.  
  • We hope to have cohorts for students ranging from 5–13 years of age.  If, after registration, any given age cohort has a group size other than 3 or 4 students, the Coop coordinator will work with the impacted families to determine feasibility and cost for the program.
  • DC Minyan members will get preference in establishing cohorts. However, students from outside the DC Minyan community will be welcome to fill open spaces in existing cohorts.  The registration period is June 26 - July 21, 2024.  We should have cohorts established and be able to confirm placement in early August.
  • The registration form asks some initial questions about scheduling preferences that will be used to help establish cohorts with compatible scheduling preferences.  We understand that schedules for the fall are still in flux and will be continuing to coordinate with participating families about scheduling over the summer. 
  • We ask families to be flexible with one another to find a time that works for the whole group once cohorts are established.
Check all that apply.
Enter the additional amount (above $250 per student) of today's payment here. 
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785