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As of January 2024, DC Minyan has a new governance structure. You can read the complete bylaws here or refer to this FAQ page to learn more about the changes. The new structure is designed to promote transparency, allow DC Minyan to better adapt to changing circumstances and make decisions more quickly as well as bolster engagement and trust among its membership. The new governance structure will inform DC Minyan's decision-making process to ensure that it can be responsive and resilient in achieving its goals.


DC Minyan strives to be an inclusive community that provides rich and meaningful Jewish experiences for people of diverse backgrounds across all ages. Our community relies on volunteers to lead and attend services, plan and execute programs, and participate in identifying and meeting community needs. We encourage all members to get involved, and please do not hesitate to contact us with feedback or ideas.

As of March 2024, DC Minyan is led by an 11-person Board of Directors that will be responsible for:

  • DC Minyan's overall decision making, 
  • the community’s strategic vision and high-level planning, and
  • financial and legal accountability of all community assets.

The Board is comprised of five officers and six committee chairpersons whose roles and commitees are described below. Each position serves a two year term. Board meetings occur at least once every other month. Meeting notes and the full bylaws can be found here.


Executive Officers

Two executive officers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of DC Minyan including making payments and reimbursements for Minyan expenses. They serve as co-chairpersons of the Board and report to the Board regarding DC Minyan’s operations on a regular basis. Executive officer's terms are staggered. The immediate past executive officer retains a seat on the Board for one year.

Volunteer Engagement Coordinator

The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator is dedicated to ensuring that the Minyan has a healthy pipeline of volunteers to support the Minyan’s programming. The coordinator is responsible for volunteer outreach, connecting volunteers with other Board members and committee members, follow-through, communication, and implementing best practices as related to volunteer recruitment. The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator also helps maintain Minyan institutional memory.


The Secretary provides administrative and operational support including overseeing the Minyan's calendar of events, ensuring Board meetings are effectively organized and documented, and maintaining records of DC Minyan’s processes, policies, and procedures. The Secretary also works closely with other community leaders to ensure that the DC Minyan website and other public-facing communications are up to date.


Governance and Strategic Planning

The Governance and Strategic Planning committee proposes new policies to be voted on by the Board, managing regular strategic planning processes, and conducting community-based surveys or focused planning efforts to help decide specific questions.
Chair: Rivka Friedman,



The Finance committee has oversight for DC Minyan’s budget and financial health including leading the annual budget process, presenting a proposed annual budget to the Board, tracking DC Minyan’s spending and revenue, routinely providing spending reports to the Board, proposing and implementing financial strategies for any DC Minyan savings, and conducting bookkeeping. Email

Treasurer: Isaac Brooks Fishman,


The Gabbai Committee

The DC Minyan gabbais, or ritual coordinators, orchestrate all aspects of  DC Minyan weekly and holiday services, including assigning those who lead services and read Torah, set-up and clean-up of davening spaces, maintenance of religious property, and assigning divrei Torah on Shabbat and holidays. The gabbais typically reach out to community members to participate weeks in advance in order to provide participants with adequate time to prepare.

Current Gabbai Committee: Benjamin Epstein, chair; Jonathan Dine, Adam Fineberg, Yael Nagar, Elie Peltz, and Abby Wolfe (Friday Night Gabbai). Email:

D'var Torah Coordinator: Stephanie Schneiderman,


Community Relations

The Community Relations committee organize and lead activities related to sustaining a strong DC Minyan community, including the annual membership drive, events to connect members, and Shabbat and holiday hospitality.
Chair: Zach Epstein,

Current sub-committees include:


The Membership team spearheads DC Minyan’s annual membership drive, maintains DC Minyan’s membership lists, and serves as the point people for new arrivals to the community. 
Membership leads: Ronit Kempler and Rachel Lipman,


The Hospitality team helps match people looking for Shabbat and holiday meals with community members who are hosting meals. 
Hospitality lead: Eliana Fishman,


The Chinuch team coordinates speakers for learning events and organizes other communal learning opportunities. 
Chinuch lead: Daniel Chudnow,

Social Action

The Social Action committee coordinates services, fundraising, learning, and other opportunities related to social action issues.
Social Action leads: Reuben Jacobson and Ethan Kahn,


Programming Committee

The Programming committee manages and organizes weekly and holiday events outside of tefillah including kiddush, community meals (including those hosted at members’ homes), and special events such as out-of-town retreats.
Chair: Hadar Halivni,

Current sub-committees include:


The kiddush committee helps make sure our members have some snack after services. Responsibilities include setting up, cleaning up, and shopping for Shabbat and holiday kiddush. 
Kiddush coordinators: Benjy Braun and Naomi Hernandez,

Special Events

The special events group coordinates and oversees community lunches and dinners as well as other holiday programming (including Purim and Shavuot). 
Email We are searching for new coordinator -- please reach out!


Lifecycle Committee

The Lifecycle Committee coordinates and leads Minyan programs to support community members during major lifecycle events, including baby meals, bnei mitzvah, bereavement, ad-hoc support (via the mitzvah list), and children’s programming. Find more information on DC Minyan can support and mark lifecycle events here
Chair: Deena Fox,

Current sub-committees include:

Children’s Programs

The Children’s programming committee organizes programming for the many children and families in our community including children’s Shabbat services and holiday programming, youth Jewish learning (e.g. the Judaics co-op).  Find more info on kids programming here.
Parents and Kids leads: Deena Fox and Lilah Pomerance,


The Bereavement Committee supports our members through loss and mourning. This committee is responsible for coordinating shiva needs and general support when our members experience the loss of parents, spouses, siblings, or children. Find more info on bereavement support at DC Minyan here.
Bereavement leads: Abigail Romirowsky and Miriam Szubin,

Mitzvah List (Community Support)

When community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event, the mitzvah team will help arrange food, logistical help, or other types of support during a challenging time. Find more info here.
Mitzvah List organizers: Jael Goldstein and Shoshana Weider,
Meals (for a new baby): Jonathan Dine and Anna Ravvin,


Other Leadership Roles

The leadership and administration of DC Minyan includes the following additional positions, supported by the Secretary. 

Announcements Coordinator: Adam Fagen,

Webmaster: Hillel Smith,

Leadership-(pRE-2024 STRUCTURE)

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee was formerly (and remains until the installation of the new board) the executive committee of the DC Minyan and broadly ensures that the goals of the Minyan, as expressed by the Minyan Leadership Council and general membership, are being achieved. The Steering Committee is wholly responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Minyan, for setting the programmatic course of the Minyan, and possesses all other powers not specifically delegated to the Leadership Council. It is additionally responsible for working with Committee Chairs to provide them with necessary guidance. Committee Representatives submit budget requests to the Steering Committee prior to the start of each calendar year. The Steering Committee is responsible for presenting an annual budget to the Leadership Council.

The Steering Committee consists of four members of the Minyan in good standing, serving two-year renewable terms beginning and ending in January. Two of the four positions turn over each year.

Current Steering Committee members: Benjy Braun, Jonathan Warsh, Ariella Bock, and Dena Roth. Email:

The Leadership Council

The Leadership Council comprises leaders across various aspects of the Minyan and therefore brings a wide array of backgrounds and functional experiences to bear on Minyan structure and programming. The Leadership Council sets the long-term vision of the Minyan. It is responsible for the following: large or long-term logistics decisions, such as location of Minyan services or programs; setting membership rates; approving major budgetary expenditures and the Steering Committee’s annual budget; and allocating supplemental funds to Committees as needed. It also plays a role in selecting new members of the Steering Committee, as set out below.

The Leadership Council meets approximately every quarter and is composed of all Steering Committee members, the two immediate past Steering Committee members, if they so choose, plus one Committee Representative for each permanent Committee. Each member of the Leadership Council should be a member of the DC Minyan in good standing.

Steering Committee selection

Each fall, the current Steering Committee solicits nominations for new Steering Committee members from the community via the weekly email and announcements after services. Any DC Minyan member in good standing is eligible to nominate any member in good standing. Candidates for the Steering Committee should demonstrate a strong commitment to DC Minyan, robust leadership skills, and a depth of Jewish knowledge.

Once the specified time period for nominations closes, the nominees are notified and are asked either to accept or decline the nomination. Nominees who accept the nomination are interviewed by the Steering Committee Selection Committee, which consists of the 4 current Steering Committee members and 3 members of the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council votes on which 3 Leadership Council members will serve on the Steering Committee Selection Committee. The Steering Committee Selection Committee votes to select the 2 new Steering Committee members

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784